Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New Year, New House, New Work, New Experiences

I know it's way past the start of the new year, but as I have experienced a lot of changes over the past month, I thought now would be an appropriate time for this post.  Compared to a month ago, I would say I now have a completely new life.

I'll start with my housing.  As many of you know, I was searching for a new place for quite awhile, mainly because Carcelen is so far outside of central Quito.  Well, about 2 weeks ago, I left Carcelen, or "the boonies" as it is referred to by many, and moved into a new apartment with Matele, a single mid-aged woman who has experience hosting exchange students.  I already love it!  Matele is so sweet and the perfect host mom.  Whether it's eating dinner or watching the Office together, I love the company and the extra spanish practice.  The apartment is also in the perfect location - easy access to many buses to get to work and see friends, close to two of the biggest parks in Quito, about 4 blocks from the main grocery store, and in walking distance from about anything I need!  While I'm still keeping an eye out for an Ecuadorian family with the possibility of moving another time, I'm very content in my new home and the idea of staying here for rest of my time in Quito.  (Thanks mom for the advice to be open to all options - if it wasn't for you, I may have passed up this wonderful situation!)

Along with my changes in living situations, I made a big change in my work schedule.  Now, instead of working mainly with one foundation, I am working with four!  I continue to work at the ACF shelter Mondays and Wednesdays.  As the work at the shelter can be pretty tough and emotionally draining, I've found this lighter schedule helps to keep my energy and spirits high.  On Tuesdays, I am now working in a school for children with disabilities.  Along with a friend, I teach a photography class in the afternoons.  I've found this work to also be challenging, but I love seeing the kids' faces light up at the simplest things, like learning to turn on a camera.  I'm excited to see how the class develops, as both my friend and I have little experience with photography and even less with teaching.  I'm still working with Nacion Urku on Thursdays, and I'm still loving it!  Starting in a few weeks, we will start teaching the kids swimming.  I can't wait to get back in the water, even if it's just to teach lessons for a few hours a week!  And finally, since the Timmy Santo Domingo Brigade, I have taken a great interest in working with Timmy Global Health, signing up for every translating opportunity I can from now until when I leave.

These changes will bring new experiences, all of which I am very excited for!

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