Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Continuing To Adjust

Since Cuenca, I haven't taken any more big trips, just small nights out trying to meet new people.  Last week, I went out with a friend of Lili's one night, and with Lili and Jorge and another couple another night.  I had a good time, it's just a little strange for me to be going out with people who are all over 30. Next mission:  Make friends my own age.  

On Sunday night, I went to a potluck with other people who are from the United States.  While I was hoping to meet other students, I found that most people were actually teachers and much older than me. I did, however, meet 3 girls who just graduated from college and are in Ecuador on Fulbright scholarships.  These girls may be my best bet at finding people close to my own age.  I may just have to get used to having older friends.  

This weekend, I also decided to move houses.  I had been living on the 3rd floor of the apartment complex with Lorena and her daughter Karla.  While Karla was very sweet, Lorena was almost never home.  With being homesick and missing my family, I think not having a "mom" in the house was making me feel even worse.  So Saturday morning, I packed up all my stuff again and moved to the 1st floor apartment with Lili and Jorge.  I'm hoping this situation will be better, as Lili, Jorge and I have similar schedules.  So far, we've been having dinner together and I feel as though I have a lot more interaction with others.  

My work at El Nido is continuing to be the highlight of my days.  As my spanish is improving, I'm starting to be able to connect with some girls and joke around with them.  On Friday, a new girl, Marianna, moved into the house.  Right now, she is very quiet and keeps to herself.  I can't wait to see a transformation in her as she spends time in the house.  

I'm continuing to adjust to life in Ecuador, whether it's eating dinner at 9:30, using buses to go almost everywhere, or texting in spanish.  While right now I would not say I'm having the time of my life, I feel that once I make a close group of friends, the fun will really start.  Hopefully that time is soon!

Night out on the town, in a spanish karaoke club.  Lili and Jorge (my hosts) are in the middle.

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