Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The First Days

I have arrived in Quito...everything may have not gone exactly as planned(I locked myself out of my own luggage with my TSA lock and my suitcase still has yet to arrive), but I'm here safe and sound and I LOVE IT!  My flight got in around 10:00 last night and I spent the first night in my friend John's house.  Today, John and I did a lot of exploring around Quito, and it is even more beautiful than I had imagined.  Quito is surrounded by mountains and volcanoes, which makes for some very amazing sights.  Tomorrow, we may take a ski-lift to the top of one of the volcanoes, as the sights are supposed to be amazing.  John also attempted to introduce me to a lot of the public transportation, and hopefully I will pick up on this city's crazy bus system soon.   I'll be meeting my host family tomorrow, and possibly spending Thursday at the shelter where I will be working.  And then on Friday, bright and early, I head off with John, his brother, and another friend to Cuenca, one of the most beautiful cities in Ecuador.  All I can say so far is everything has been great...I've just learned to use a lot of sunscreen!!
Before heading to the airport, with my 100 lbs of luggage!
The wonderful Mitchell who kindly unlocked my suitcase at the airport.

The view from Itchimba, a park in one of the higher parts of the city.

Another view of the city from up high.
My first Ecuadorian meal - ceviche de pescado

1 comment:

  1. Way to go South American traveller. We miss you already!
    Have a great adventure. xox mom
